Etichetă: upgrade

Internet safety rules

Being online has many benefits especially when considering the acquisition of new skills in a lifelong learning overview that includes social media.Being online, however, unfortunately also involves risks for adults and youngsters, to mention only a few:Cyberbullying, phishing,  falling for scams, accidentally downloading malware.  Even though apps loom larger in most people’s daily online interactions than traditional websites do, that does not mean that the basic Internet safety rules have changed. Here below are the…

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Six teaching strategies for adult learners

According to Pointpark University Philadelphia,  by understanding adult students, you can become a better educator or trainer. Here are six key teaching strategies for making lessons more applicable for adult learners. 1.Keep It Relevant They have to understand how the skills they learn will improve their daily lives. If they believe a lesson will have a measurable impact, they will be far more likely to be engaged and internalize the lesson. 2. Remember Student Backgrounds Adult…

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