Tag: erasmus

What are digital skills?

Digital skills are a universe of technological skills, ranging from basic ones such as computer use, to more specific and advanced ones such as software development for artificial intelligence. They continuously change with the evolution of technologies and will also change over time, because what is now considered ‘digital literacy’, once universally acquired, will be taken for granted. In the near future, 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills. The digital skills referred…

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Andragogy: what is it and how it applies to adult learning?

Andragogy, refers to “methods or techniques used to teach adults,” is a word coined in the 1800s by Alexander Knapp, a German educator, and popularized in the 1960s by Malcolm Knowles, an American educator whose focus was on adult education. Pedagogy instead is well known as a child-focused teaching approach. Comparison chart For Knowles, andragogy is premised on at least four crucial assumptions about the characteristics of adult learners that are different from the assumptions about child…

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The benefits of technology for seniors

Approaching technology can sometimes be challenging for senior citizens, but this need of sharing our lives with technology can also have benefits. The main challenge that seniors find themselves to face at first concerns frustration for a lack of technology literacy. As Robin Seaton Jefferson explains in her article on Forbes based on a study of UCSD, seniors often find themselves buying services that they don’t know how to use or having difficulties interacting with…

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Second transnational meeting Upgrade E-adults

The COVID-19 pandemic that affected every country globally, didn’t stop the partners of Upgrade-Eadults project that met virtually online for the 2 transnational project meeting. Despite the circumstances, this was a great opportunity to experience first hand the benefits and advantages of digital education and digital technologies which allow us to remote-working during this extraordinary moment. The partners, led by the coordinator, had the opportunity, to talk about the project tasks implementation and discuss some…

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