Using social media for your job search

Using social media for your job search

Nowadays social media are a potent ally in the job search; the labor market is constantly changing and adapting to the smartest technologies, looking for ways to complete tasks in the fastest but also effective ways.

Within this overview, for someone approaching again the labour market after some time, it becomes essential to be up to date with the newest tools and resources to increase the chances to be recruited.


The old but good paper CV remains a staple when it comes of starting to look or a new job, but the challenge is to adapt the same CV in a more modern online-format. There are many online platforms for job search out there and nearly all of them use also apps that allow everyone to constantly monitor notifications and job adverts in real-time.

Social media play also a big role if we consider that there are some social media born only for the purpose of job search and recruiting just to mention one Linkedin, which represents a virtual way to put themselves out there in a professional way. There are even blogs and web pages that help users to create and update these social media used for job research.

Have a look at the video below which contains useful tips to find a job using social media


When we put ourselves out there in this online but at the same time real job market, we have to keep in mind what type of image we communicate of ourselves, pictures, online profiles, social medial talk about ourselves and tell the recruiters about our life; therefore is important to take good care of our social image and learn how to use these tools in our favor to increase our chances to find the job desired significantly.

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