The 3rd TM of the Upgrade E-Adults project took place in Bucharest, Romania, from 20t to 23 October.

Between the 20th and the 23 th October 2021, the third transactional meeting took place at CCD Ilfov as part of the UPGRADE E-ADULTS ID 2019-1-CZ01-KA204-061219 project.
During the two days of actual work we combined organizational, project management, technical-scientific and socio-cultural activities.
On the first day we evaluated the implementation of the project and we planned the next meetings and courses within the project. In the afternoon we visited the Historical Center and the Bucharest Museum of “Palatul Șuțu”.
The following day the “Digi to All” conference was organized in face to face format and online audio video meeting on the ZOOM platform distributed on the CCD Ilfov Facebook page for trainers, the project team and interested parties. Through this conference we wanted to bring new perspectives on the social integration of disadvantaged adults through digitalization and technological development and the accessibility of Internet connectivity. We covered topics such as:
– Global trends in the digital sphere to facilitate social integration, networking, information;
– Behavioral adaptations of adults to new applications, platforms and programs, psychological and mental changes generated by the new global technological and communicative context;
– Social developments through connectivity, sustainability and European and global cooperation;
– From observer and leisure user to content creator and digital worker. Strategies for success at any age;
Speakers: MARIAN STAȘ, educational consultant, President, Three Millennium Leaders Club Association, prof. ILARION ȚIN, consultant for digitization in education, DANIELA TONTSCH, President of the National Disability Council, SORIN ILIE ȚAȚA, consultant for digitization for the blind, SIM, AL, psychotherapist, coordinator CJAP Ilfov.
In the afternoon we visited the Brancoveanu museum complex from Mogoșoaia, museum and park.
Upgrade E-adults is an Erasmus + international cooperation strategic partnership project for innovation and the exchange of good practices. It aims to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers who are able to provide digital skills, especially in the use of social networks applied in the field of working with disadvantaged adults.

Target groups:
The main beneficiaries of the project are:
– Staff working with adults, adult educators, disadvantaged adults;
– Representatives of organizations working directly in the field of adult education;
– Local authorities, commercial bodies, labor market offices and employment centers, professionals in the field of adult education with regard to decision-making, research, information consultancy;
– Trainers.
– To share and collect good practices as a basis for the training of trainers;
– To create training structures for trainers and educators;
– To write a manual to address the current lack of ICT and digital skills for adults;
– To define the sustainable strategy with continuous effects on the partners, as a learning structure for the target group;
– To create a network for promoting, offering and providing adult education programs to reach all potential participants;
– To increase the quality of life for the individual and create value and flexibility in active life;
– To train qualified trainers and educators who will implement programs and will support adult learners in danger or exclusion.
The results will provide a range of robust, high-quality end products that should have a real impact on the target audience.
During the project
– Manual containing comparative studies in Europe on teaching approaches and methods in the use of ICT for disadvantaged adults;
– Theoretical and practical training program for the staff of organizations on how to relate and address disadvantaged adults and help them to use digital tools applied in the type of work;
– Local training events for adult educators. Each partner will organize 7 events on its territory
– Local training events for disadvantaged adults. Each partner will organize 7 events on their territory.