The Greek partner, IED, organized local workshops to transfer the digital skills acquired during the UPGRADE E-ADULTS project to the target group.
This activity has obtained 22 participations, divided between young people and disadvantaged adults, in turn divided into two teams.
The aim of this workshop was to provide participants with basic digital skills, such as:
1. Effective Google Search: Not all results are useful when
someone google.
On the other hand, it is sometimes difficult to write the right keywords and lead to the desired result.
This section has been devoted to tips and tricks for doing Google

2. Apply for a job online: After the pandemic outbreak, more and more job vacancies appear online, so if a person doesn’t qualify
digital skills for research and online job application, can
become a threat to her career.
In this section we have focused on how to look for a job online and have emphasized on the online job application side.

3. Basic Usage of Facebook Facebook has become an invaluable tool for connecting with people, receiving information and searching for
The basic use of Facebook was a section of the training.
In this section, trainers familiarized themselves with basic utilities and learned how to interact with others and search for what they need.

4. Paying an Online Bill: Online payments have become more useful than ever, considering the covid-19 era and beyond.
As a result, people who were unfamiliar with this payment method depended on their relatives or others to pay their bills during this time.
As a result, it has become increasingly necessary to learn how to fulfill one’s financial obligations online.
In this section, we have taught you how to use online banking and how to use its apps.
The feedback from the participants was very positive, as everyone actively participated, getting involved, exchanging opinions, learning basic digital skills by working in an intergenerational group, which proved to be the best way to work.